Sorry for being 'MIA'. Been very busy applying for jobs, college working an lambing. SO it's been absolutely manic at the moment so I thought I would do a quick update for those who read my blog!
I thought you might like to know about how I am getting on with lambing mainly - I was going to do my lambing diary from the first week I started but it was just so knackering I didn't get round to it. I'm in my third season of lambing at the farm i go to and have been going there since I was 16 years old. The man who owns the farm roughly runs about 4,000 breeding ewes and so far we have had 422 sets of twins and 92 singles. Some of them were triplets but if we get a single we usually take the third triplet and adopt it onto the single as sometimes the ewe cannot look after all 3 lambs or might have enough milk.
I usually get to the farm for 8am or earlier and start feeding round the shed straight away. Afterwards I will start bedding the pens down or fill water buckets (not necessarily in that order!). My next job is usually to start going round the shed numbering and ringing the tails (and nuts in the boys cases!) of the lambs I think are fit enough to be turned out into the fields. There are other odds and ends i do as well but those are the main things that get done during the day.
Well anyway, I'm off to bed now as I am back at work tomorrow morning and I'm in serious need of some peeps! Hope you enjoyed reading this and let me know if you would like me to write another lambing diary next weekend.
(These are some pictures taken by a friend of mine on the farm yesterday morning. Hope you enjoy them!)
Gosh this is so cool!! I would love to do that, I love sheep. They are so cute:) xxx