Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Just an update :o)

Ok, so I was really in the mood to do some blogging but got stuck! Decided to do a quick update just to keep me in the habit of writing otherwise I will just get really bad again (oops!).

Right, to start off with i got a new phone last week finally! Joined the Blackberry hype like everyone else seems to be doing at the moment. Haven't had any faults with it at all and I am absolutely in love with the little blighter! Everyone kept on telling me to get an iPhone but I really don't rate them at all because I think people are just paying for the name. ANYWAY! Ramble about my phone over (yawn).

I thought I would blog about my stunning holiday to Malaysia, but yet again I never got round to it because I am too lazy to ever turn my laptop on, so I thought i would just bung a bit about it on here instead (photos as well!). We flew from Heathrow to KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) and it took us 12 and a half hours to get there which was absolutely knackering sat on my arse for that long! Once we had got there we stayed at the Intercontinental in Kuala Lumpur for one night (which was lush might I add) and then flew to Lankawi airport the next ay which took us about 45 minutes which wasn't to bad. Whilst we were in Lankawi  we stayed at a beautiful hotel in the middle of the jungle which was incredible. We were staying in a cabin on stilts in the jungle and we always had to keep the patio doors and windows shut because monkeys can get in and open the mini fridge and open cans of coke and stuff! So we always had to be careful with that. The weather was stunning, hot everyday and well into the 30s which was absolutely spot on. Perfect tanning weather! 

It can never be good when you're double parked and one of your drinks is green....

Mummy Bear and Myself

Our private beach 

Some monkies in a tree as you do....

....another monkey in a tree....

....monkies on the board-walk to the beach!

The beautiful elephant Mum and I rode

One day my Mum and i went on an elephant ride which was the best ever! It was a small Indian elephant and it was absolutely beautiful. We rode into the the jungle and sort of did a loop round and then came back out again - we got to feed him a loaf of bread when we got back as well! 

On the last day, me and my Dad went kayaking in the Indian ocean which was pretty spectacular. Amazing views of the island when we had paddled out away from the beach a bit. It genuinely looked so hot and steamy and it was one of the best things I did whilst we were there.

On the way home it took us roughly 13 and quater hours from KL to Heathrow an i was absolutely shattered yet again and all i had done was watch tele for 10 hours! I had some seriously square eyes from it afterwards!

One lats thing I just want to mention, is that everyone should follow this lovely lady!


Beth, A.K.A 'Fabulouslybritishbb' is an absolute babe and a half! Everyone should follow her on Youtube, Twitter and Tumblr because she is just the bomb (hope you are not embarrassed Beth - had to be said!). How could you resist?


Saturday, 17 March 2012

Lambing Diary: Week 3

Sorry for being 'MIA'. Been very busy applying for jobs, college working an lambing. SO it's been absolutely manic at the moment so I thought I would do a quick update for those who read my blog! 
I thought you might like to know about how I am getting on with lambing mainly - I was going to do my lambing diary from the first week I started but it was just so knackering I didn't get round to it. I'm in my third season of lambing at the farm i go to and have been going there since I was 16 years old. The man who owns the farm roughly runs about 4,000 breeding ewes and so far we have had 422 sets of twins and 92 singles. Some of them were triplets but if we get a single we usually take the third triplet and adopt it onto the single as sometimes the ewe cannot look after all 3 lambs or might have enough milk.

I usually get to the farm for 8am or earlier and start feeding round the shed straight away. Afterwards I will start bedding the pens down or fill water buckets (not necessarily in that order!). My next job is usually to start going round the shed numbering and ringing the tails (and nuts in the boys cases!) of the lambs I think are fit enough to be turned out into the fields. There are other odds and ends i do as well but those are the main things that get done during the day.

Well anyway, I'm off to bed now as I am back at work tomorrow morning and I'm in serious need of some peeps! Hope you enjoyed reading this and let me know if you would like me to write another lambing diary next weekend.
(These are some pictures taken by a friend of mine on the farm yesterday morning. Hope you enjoy them!)