Tuesday, 29 November 2011

This, that and winter sports.

So i'm driving my brother and i to young farmers winter sports on Sunday afternoon and we reach our destination only to find out that i'd got the wrong place and it was at another school about 20 minutes drive away. As you could imagine, i was not happy, and with only a quarter of tank of petrol i got somewhat irate
So off we trundle in my little blue Peugeot (who by the way, does not like going at any great speed as he starts to whistle and sound like he is about to explode) and arrived at the school at about 1.15pm. Baring in mind we were supposed to be there at 12pm, i got a little lost and took a bit of a detour which took about an hour....
Anyway! Enough of the journey. I'm told our club did well but we still haven't had the results so it hasn't been confirmed yet. We had 2 teams of 4 doing 'jump-rope' (in other words; skipping) and a team for indoor volleyball. I was on the girls skipping team and we had to do a proper little routine with a bit of dance - i use the word 'dance' very, very loosely - and music to go along with it. Well i can safely say it was an absolute scream! We did our routine to LMFAO - 'Sexy and i know it'. 
The boys on the other hand, wasn't so..........put together. Two of them dressed in a chicken suit and a horse suit and started free-styling half way through because they were trying to kill time. 

 Stopping at rude sign in true Young Farmers style.
(Oh yes, there is a road called Bell End!)


I have come across a lovely girlie who goes by the name of Olivia a.k.a 'Dolly Daydream' . Very small world, and you should go to her blog and follow away!

Much love!


  1. I love the new blog layout!
    and thankyou for the little bit about me, totally unexpected! haha! :)

  2. Haha, no worries m'love! And thank-you, just needs a little tweaking now :o) xx

  3. Really love your header! It's so cute xx

  4. Aw, thank-you! Very kind of you to say :o) xx

  5. haha I get mad when I get lost and when I get late because of getting lost haha
    But it's one more experience right :)
    Sounds like fun... I must do something fun, all I do is sleep, study and eat. :/
